Summer Camp 2023
This is our seventh year of offering summer camp, and we continue to increasingly integrate summer camp with school-year programming. Our goal is to offer ease and a seamless transition to families who want to continue sending their child through the whole summer, while offering some flexibility to families who have other plans.
Read on for more information, or skip to the bottom to fill out the enrollment form. Email with any and all questions about summer!
Summer enrollment 2023 is for children already attending the 2022-23 school year. It’s possible we’ll have space for siblings or alums; see below for more info.
Most of your child’s teachers during the school year will still be here in the summer! We also have some great summer counselors who have worked with us for years.
Most of what happens in the summer is the same as the school year, just a little calmer. Class sizes are a little smaller, and we may combine rooms or shift kids around a little, depending on how enrollment shakes out. We usually spend quite a lot of the day outside, and especially with water play (sprinklers, kiddie pools, water balloons, etc.), and tend to spend a lot of time doing art and cooking projects. For the most part, children will experience the same caring, responsive setting they are used to from the school year.
The “school year” ends on Thursday June 22. We are closed on Friday June 23. “Summer programming” is 8 weeks long; it starts Monday June 26 and goes through Friday August 18. Pick up times are still 12:30, 3:00, and 6:00, same as in the school year.
CCS is closed entirely August 21 through September 1 to prepare for next school year. The first day of the 2023-24 school year will be September 5.
Tuition in the summer is the same as tuition for the school year.
Withdrawal/refund policies:
- Withdraw by May 25: Full refund
- Withdraw by June 30: 50% refund
- Withdraw in July or August: 50% refund on remaining weeks, minus $150
My child is enrolled now, and I want them to come all summer. | Great! Your child is guaranteed a spot. Click “Enroll” below by April 1 to confirm. |
My child won’t be coming in the summer, but we’ll be back in the fall. | For summer 2023, families can opt out of summer and still retain their seat for the fall. Click “Enroll” below by April 1 to confirm. |
I want my child to come to part of summer, but not all of it. | Enrollment is for the full summer. This summer you can receive a discount of 50% for weeks that you will be entirely absent. Click “Enroll” below by April 1 to confirm. |
I want my child to have a different pick up time in the summer from the school year. | Click “Enroll” below to request a schedule change. We will do our best to accommodate it, but cannot guarantee. |
My child uses PHLpreK. | PHLpreK pays your tuition through the end of the “school year,” June 22. We would love to have your child stay for the summer! We can offer you a 25% tuition discount. |
My child uses CCW (also known as CCIS or ELRC). | CCW will continue paying your subsidy through the summer. |
We have an older sibling or CCS alum child who we’d like to attend. | Depending on enrollment, we may be able to invite some siblings and alums to join us for the summer. Click “Enroll” below if you’re interested, and we’ll let you know as soon as we can. |