Careers at CCS

CCS strives to create a just and sustainable workplace where all teachers and staff can feel joy and satisfaction in their work and participate in lifelong learning.

Current Openings


  • Lead Teacher Full time with benefits; annual salary $42,060–$54,925 depending on experience. Click here to learn more and apply.
  • Assistant Teacher Full time or Part time with benefits; $17.03–$20.23/hour, depending on experience. Click here to learn more and apply.
  • Substitute Teachers Applications accepted on a rolling basis Part time; $16-19/hour, flexible scheduling. See our subs page to learn more.

To apply for any position, please read the entire job description, then email your résumé and cover letter to with the position title you are seeking in the subject line. Your cover letter should include:

  • what you view as the role of the early childhood educator, and
  • something specific from this ad or our website that makes you think you would be a good fit for our school.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Lead Teacher

Lead Teachers are committed educators and lifelong learners who work as a team to support children, families, colleagues, and the school. Lead Teachers hold primary responsibility for care of children in the mornings and early afternoons; creating and implementing high-quality curriculum; assessing and communicating about the needs of children; and communicating with families. They share responsibility for building relationships with and teaching children, as well as guiding their behavior.

Lead Teachers work either in a toddler classroom, with children between the ages of 15 months and 3, or in a pre-school/PreK classroom with children between the ages of 3 and 5.


  • Ensure health and safety—ensure that children are physically cared for and safe, including supervision, feeding, bathrooming, and ensuring a safe environment
  • Relationships with children—build trusting, communicative, supportive relationships with children; actively engage children in learning and school activities
  • Guide behavior—support children in learning to behave in self-controlled, socially-appropriate ways, using methods in line with the school’s teaching philosophy
  • Create positive environments—create classroom routines and culture that support a learning community; create physical environments (materials, layouts) that support a learning community
  • Create and implement curriculum—plan and implement developmentally appropriate, play-based, emergent, project-based curriculum that continually supports children’s growth in all learning areas; create documentation of learning
  • Assess children—observe and document children’s strengths and needs; communicate with families about their children’s development, both in planned formal contexts (conferences, written narratives) and unplanned or informal contexts (phone calls and meetings as needed); integrate plans to meet children’s needs through curriculum
  • Build relationships with families—serve as the primary point of contact between the family and the school; communicate with families as a group (e.g. writing daily emails, school events) and as individuals (e.g. assessment and other communication as needed); work to build relationships between families and the school, and between families and each other
  • Work collaboratively with colleagues—cooperate with other teachers (both on the teaching team and throughout the program) and administrators in implementing all aspects of the job responsibilities; collaborate with non-staff adults (e.g. subs, student teachers, service providers, etc.) to meet the needs of children and colleagues
  • Supervise junior teaching staff—In classrooms with associate/assistant/student teachers, Head Teachers serve as mentors, supports, and direct supervisors
  • Demonstrate leadership—Work toward the best interests of the school; model professionalism; actively seek opportunities for individual and collective growth
  • Continually improve practice—In an ongoing manner, evaluate and improve existing teaching practices, and seek and implement new practices; learn collaboratively with colleagues and children
  • Care for the school—Ensure that the school and its spaces stay clean, organized, safe, and prepared for children’s use
  • Communicate—Participate in frequent, regular, prompt, and respectful communication with colleagues and families, including in-person, phone, and email communications
  • Demonstrate good work habits—including reliability, flexibility, and communication

Hiring Criteria

Note: Additional criteria may be required for Lead Teachers in classrooms that use PHLpreK or PreK Counts funding; those criteria will be noted at the time of posting positions.

  • REQUIRED CRITERIA—We will only consider candidates who meet all of the following criteria.
    • Demonstrated ability to form strong relationships with children and their families
    • Experience working to meet the emotional, social, and cognitive needs of young children, preferably in a school setting
    • Demonstrated ability to be reflective, adaptive, flexible, and resilient in work situations
    • Demonstrated view of children as active, powerful learners
    • Demonstrated ability to work closely and collaboratively with colleagues
    • View of teaching as a lifelong craft and ongoing learning experience
    • Clear written and verbal communication skills
    • Minimum of CDA or 12 college credits in early childhood education or a related field
    • Meet the physical and licensing requirements of a preschool teacher:
    • Ability to lift, move, and hold children and objects up to 40 pounds. Ability to engage in full range of motion to lift, reach, squat, climb, sit, and otherwise fully participate in classroom activities. Ability to supervise and interact with children in all learning spaces for extended periods, including outdoors in a variety of weather conditions.
    • Will pass and provide mandated background checks before beginning employment.
  • DESIRED CRITERIA—The ideal candidate will possess most of the following qualities.
    • AA or higher in early childhood education or a related field; Certification preferred
    • Demonstrated commitment to social justice
    • An approach to teaching that centers on children as active, powerful, collaborative learners who can drive curriculum and learning (for instance, a constructivist or social-constructivist philosophy, experience with Waldorf or Reggio-inspired pedagogy, etc.)
    • A demonstrated belief in the importance of children’s social and emotional development
    • Demonstrated ability to guide children’s behaviors, as individuals and as a group, using positive approaches to communication, boundaries, and routines
    • Experience working with children with disabilities and other needs, especially young children, in inclusive environments
    • Knowledge of child development (for instance, developmentally appropriate expectations)
    • Skill in observing children and interpreting their behavior, and using observations to show children’s learning and thinking
    • Experience implementing emergent or project-based curriculum (i.e., curriculum based on developing children’s interests, Reggio-inspired curriculum, etc.)
    • Experience working with communities of color, multicultural communities, or diverse groups
    • Experience working with families or communities in West or South Philadelphia
    • Strong skills and experience in communicating through writing
    • Experience with reflective practices (for instance, mindfulness, yoga, teacher research, etc.)
    • Ability to speak more than one language


  • This is a full-time year-round position at no more than 40 hours per week.
  • This position’s hours are 8am–3:45pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays and 8am–5pm on Wednesdays.
  • The annual calendar also includes two weeks of teacher preparation in late August, 8:30am–4:30pm; 6 professional development (PD) days throughout the year, 8:30am–4:30pm; and 1–2 events outside school hours like Back to School Night. 

Pay & Benefits

This role will be paid an annual salary of $42,060–$54,925 (hourly rate of $21.91–$28.61) depending on experience and credentials. 

Benefits include health and dental insurance, paid time off, family and disability leave, reduced tuition, and more; see Employment Benefits document

To apply, please read the entire job description, then email your résumé and cover letter to with the position title you are seeking in the subject line. Your cover letter should include what you view as the role of the early childhood educator, and something specific from this ad or our website that makes you think you would be a good fit for our school.

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Assistant Teacher

Assistant teachers are educators and learners who support the work of their teaching teams in the classroom with toddlers (ages 18 months to 3) or pre-schoolers (ages 3–5).


  • Ensure health and safety—ensure that children are physically cared for and safe, including supervision during play, feeding, and bathrooming
  • Relationships with children—build trusting, communicative, supportive relationships with children; actively engage children in learning and school activities
  • Work collaboratively with colleagues—cooperate with other teachers (both on the teaching team and throughout the program) and administrators in implementing all aspects of the job responsibilities; support the rest of the teaching team in implementing curriculum and routines
  • Care for the school—ensure that the school and its spaces stay clean, organized, safe, and prepared for children’s use
  • Demonstrate good work habits, including reliability, flexibility, and communication
  • Assist in other parts of the school as needed—for instance, coverage of “early drop off,” occasional subbing in other classrooms, etc.

Hiring Criteria

  • REQUIRED CRITERIA—We will only consider candidates who meet all of the following criteria.
    • Demonstrated ability to form strong relationships with children and their families
    • Experience working with young children, preferably in a school setting
    • Demonstrated ability to be reflective, adaptive, flexible, and resilient in work situations
    • Demonstrated ability to work closely and collaboratively with colleagues
    • Clear verbal communication skills
    • Minimum of CDA or 12 college credits in early childhood education or a related field
    • Meet the physical and licensing requirements of a preschool teacher:
      • Ability to lift, move, and hold children and objects up to 40 pounds. Ability to engage in full range of motion to lift, reach, squat, climb, sit, and otherwise fully participate in classroom activities. Ability to supervise and interact with children in all learning spaces for extended periods, including outdoors in a variety of weather conditions. 
      • Will pass and provide mandated background checks before beginning employment.
  • DESIRED CRITERIA—The ideal candidate will possess most of the following qualities.
    • Demonstrated commitment to social justice
    • Demonstrated belief in the importance of children’s social and emotional development
    • Demonstrated ability to guide children’s behaviors, as individuals and as a group, using positive approaches to communication, boundaries, and routines
    • Knowledge of child development (for instance, developmentally appropriate expectations)
    • Experience working with communities of color, multicultural communities, or diverse groups
    • Experience working with families or communities in West or South Philadelphia
    • Ability to speak more than one language

Schedule and Calendar

  • This is an hourly, part-time (~28hr/wk), year-round position.
  • This position’s hours are 8am–1:30pm, Mondays–Fridays, though precise start and end times are subject to change depending on the needs of the team.
    • By mutual agreement between the employee, the teaching team, and the employee’s supervisor, hours may be temporarily extended or shifted to better meet the needs of the classroom and the team.
  • The annual calendar also includes two weeks of teacher preparation in late August, 8:30am–4:30pm; 6 professional development (PD) days throughout the year, 8:30am–4:30pm.
    • While presence on these days is required, the employee is not required to work beyond their usual hours. The additional hours are encouraged and will be paid at the hourly rate, but they are optional at the employee’s discretion.

Pay & Benefits

This role will be paid at an hourly rate ranging from $17.03–$20.23/hour depending on experience and credentials. 

Benefits include health and dental insurance, paid time off, family and disability leave, reduced tuition, and more; see Employment Benefits document

To apply, please read the entire job description, then email your résumé and cover letter to with the position title you are seeking in the subject line. Your cover letter should include what you view as the role of the early childhood educator, and something specific from this ad or our website that makes you think you would be a good fit for our school.

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Afternoon Teacher

Afternoon teachers are committed educators and lifelong learners who work as a team with morning teachers to support children, families, colleagues, and the school. Afternoon teachers hold primary responsibility for care of children in mixed-age groups in the later afternoons; they share responsibility for building relationships with children, teaching them, and guiding their behavior, as well as planning activities and communicating with families.


  • Ensure health and safety—ensure that children are physically cared for and safe, including supervision, feeding, bathrooming, and ensuring a safe environment
  • Relationships with children—build trusting, communicative, supportive relationships with children; actively engage children in learning and school activities
  • Guide behavior—support children in learning to behave in self-controlled, socially-appropriate ways, using methods in line with the school’s teaching philosophy
  • Create positive environments—create classroom routines and culture that support a learning community
  • Create and implement curriculum—in collaboration with the Afternoon Supervisor, plan and implement developmentally appropriate, play-based, emergent curriculum that continually supports children’s growth in all learning areas
  • Support assessment of  children—observe children’s strengths and needs; communicate with other teachers about children
  • Build relationships with families—engage in positive interactions with families at pick-up time; communicate with individual families as needed about events of the day and needs of the child
  • Work collaboratively with colleagues—cooperate with other teachers (both on the teaching team and throughout the program) and administrators in implementing all aspects of the job responsibilities; collaborate with non-staff adults (e.g. subs, student teachers, service providers, etc.) to meet the needs of children and colleagues
  • Continually improve practice—In an ongoing manner, evaluate and improve existing teaching practices, and seek and implement new practices; learn collaboratively with colleagues and children
  • Care for the school—ensure that the school and its spaces stay clean, organized, safe, and prepared for children’s use
  • Communicate—Participate in frequent, regular, prompt, and respectful communication with colleagues and families, including in-person, phone, and email communications
  • Participate in the life of the school—Look out for the best interests of the school; build relationships with children, families, and colleagues; attend and participate in school events
  • Demonstrate good work habits, including reliability, flexibility, and communication

Hiring Criteria

  • REQUIRED CRITERIA—We will only consider candidates who meet all of the following criteria.
    • Demonstrated ability to form strong relationships with children and their families
    • Experience working with young children, preferably in a school setting, preferably with multiple or mixed age groups
    • Demonstrated ability to be reflective, adaptive, flexible, and resilient in work situations
    • Demonstrated view of children as active, powerful learners
    • Demonstrated ability to work closely and collaboratively with colleagues
    • View of teaching as a lifelong craft and ongoing learning experience
    • Minimum of CDA or 12 college credits in early childhood education or a related field
    • Meet the physical and licensing requirements of a preschool teacher:
      • Ability to lift, move, and hold children and objects up to 40 pounds. Ability to engage in full range of motion to lift, reach, squat, climb, sit, and otherwise fully participate in classroom activities. Ability to supervise and interact with children in all learning spaces for extended periods, including outdoors in a variety of weather conditions. 
      • Will pass and provide mandated background checks before beginning employment.
  • DESIRED CRITERIA—The ideal candidate will possess most of the following qualities.
    • AA in early childhood education or a related field
    • Demonstrated commitment to social justice
    • Demonstrated ability to guide children’s behaviors, as individuals and as a group, using positive approaches to communication, boundaries, and routines
    • An articulated view of learning as a collaborative process, driven by children’s interactions and relationships
    • A demonstrated belief in the importance of children’s social and emotional development
    • Knowledge of child development and developmentally appropriate expectations for children
    • Experience creating curriculum, activities, or projects based on children’s interests
    • Experience working with communities of color, multicultural communities, or diverse groups
    • Experience working with families or communities in West or South Philadelphia

Schedule and Calendar

  • This is an hourly, part-time (~22.5hr/wk), year-round position.
  • This position’s hours are 2pm–6:15pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays and 12:45–6:15pm on Wednesdays.
  • The annual calendar also includes two weeks of teacher preparation in late August, 8:30am–4:30pm; 6 professional development (PD) days throughout the year, 8:30am–4:30pm; and 1–2 events outside school hours like Back to School Night. 
    • Note: We recognize that the schedule for Teacher Preparation and PD Days may not match all part-time teachers’ availability. Afternoon teachers will plan with their supervisor about presence and schedule on these days.

Pay & Benefits

This role will be paid at an hourly rate ranging from $17.03–$20.23/hour depending on experience and credentials. 

Benefits include health and dental insurance, paid time off, family and disability leave, reduced tuition, and more; see Employment Benefits document

To apply, please read the entire job description, then email your résumé and cover letter to with the position title you are seeking in the subject line. Your cover letter should include what you view as the role of the early childhood educator, and something specific from this ad or our website that makes you think you would be a good fit for our school.

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The Children’s Community School is an equal opportunity employer. Our policies, procedures, and practices are designed to prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, color, religious creed, disability, ancestry, national origin, age, marital status, sex, gender, or sexuality.

CCS does not discriminate against any individual based on any non-merit factor and is committed to an equitable workplace where everyone is treated as a respected and valued member of our collaborative community. CCS actively seeks to build and maintain a diverse staff with regard to race, culture, ethnicity, class, religion, physical ability, age, gender, and sexual orientation. As an organization that holds justice as a core value, CCS seeks to elevate the leadership of Black, Indigenous, and people of color; immigrants and refugees; low-income people; LGBQ+, transgender, and non-binary people; single parents; people who were formerly incarcerated; and people living in the many intersections of these experiences. We encourage people with these identities and from these communities to apply.