Juneberry Classroom at Home-Wednesday 6/17

Good Afternoon, I'm so sorry my entry is so late. Life happened! I hope you enjoy the entry' I have attached a video of my reading a wonderful book that highlights the benefit of not giving up when a task seems difficult. Like Jabari we can be encouraged by others who have confidence in us. This is [...]

By |2020-07-08T14:28:48+00:00June 17th, 2020|Juneberry Classroom|Comments Off on Juneberry Classroom at Home-Wednesday 6/17

Oak Classroom at Home-Wednesday 6/17

Hello families! News: A heads-up that next week Teacher Alex and Teacher Maddie are switching which day they will hold 1-on-1 zoom meetings--Alex will meet with Oaksters Tuesday (6/23) and Maddie will meet with Oaksters Thursday (6/25). Patterns Week 6: Using positional language in a variety of contexts (building, songs, puzzles) to deepen spatial awareness [...]

By |2020-07-08T14:28:48+00:00June 17th, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Oak Classroom at Home-Wednesday 6/17

Redbud Classroom at Home-Wednesday 6/17

Hello Redbud families!   Teacher Message: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jyBfXdJ-7g If your child has leftover flowers, leaves, and other natural materials after they’ve made their crown (see below for details), join me in turning them into a centerpiece for a table.  Arranging natural materials gives opportunities to notice and compare features like size, shape, texture, even smell.  If [...]

By |2020-07-08T14:28:48+00:00June 17th, 2020|Redbud Classroom|Comments Off on Redbud Classroom at Home-Wednesday 6/17

Redbud Classroom at Home-Tuesday 6/16

Hi Redbud families, In today's teacher message, I talk about what the end of the year means–that Redbud teachers, like teachers at most schools, will be taking a break–and I make a crown for our last day of school celebration! Today's suggested activity is easy to guess: make a crown with your little one to celebrate [...]

By |2020-06-16T17:08:57+00:00June 16th, 2020|Redbud Classroom|Comments Off on Redbud Classroom at Home-Tuesday 6/16

Oak Classroom at Home-Tuesday 6/16

Hello families! News: If you’ve been wondering how to stay connected to actions happening in philly, check out Philly We Rise, they collect a lot of resources and event happenings from around the city. Patterns Week 6: Using positional language in a variety of contexts (building, songs, puzzles) to deepen spatial awareness in the context [...]

By |2020-06-16T16:28:09+00:00June 16th, 2020|Oak Classroom|Comments Off on Oak Classroom at Home-Tuesday 6/16

Magnolia Classroom at Home-Monday 6/15

Hello Magnolia families,   We are excited to tell you about our plans for the end of the year - we will be having both an in-person socially-distanced porch ceremony on Thursday, June 25 and a final Zoom on June 26. Here are details for both:   Socially-distanced porch ceremony: Thursday, June 25 We are [...]

By |2020-06-16T16:25:55+00:00June 16th, 2020|Magnolia Classroom|Comments Off on Magnolia Classroom at Home-Monday 6/15

Magnolia Classroom at Home-Monday 6/15

Hello Magnolia families,   This week, we are focusing on continuing activism conversations, preparing for the end of the school year, and engaging in different types of learning through sensory water play!   Activism: Talking about children activists. Not only can children learn about big topics, they can also enact change in their worlds. While [...]

By |2020-06-15T16:46:01+00:00June 15th, 2020|Magnolia Classroom|Comments Off on Magnolia Classroom at Home-Monday 6/15

Forest Friends Classroom at Home-Friday 6/11

Hello Forest Friends! As we prepare for the end of this strange school year, we are working on a project to reflect on our time together and feel connected to each other in sharing these memories. Next week, we'll be sending out videos of our own ccs memories and reflecting on everything we've learned and [...]

By |2020-06-15T16:41:02+00:00June 15th, 2020|Forest Friends Classroom|Comments Off on Forest Friends Classroom at Home-Friday 6/11

Redbud Classroom at Home -Friday 6/12 #2

Hi Redbud Families, News: Please check out the other email we sent this morning about our end of year plans! In today’s Teacher Message, Fox and I are back in the garden to learn about how water can help us take care of ourselves and take care of our plants. Watch here. Today’s related activity [...]

By |2020-06-12T16:13:59+00:00June 12th, 2020|Redbud Classroom|Comments Off on Redbud Classroom at Home -Friday 6/12 #2

Singalong-Friday 6/12

Hi folks— Sorry it's a little late today. I hope you and your family can join me to sing a few protest songs! https://youtu.be/tWVmoHh2rug Heads up, I recorded this in the common room at school—hopefully this won't make any kids miss school too much! Speaking of which, there's a Children's March for Justice tomorrow at [...]

By |2020-06-12T16:13:02+00:00June 12th, 2020|Singalong|Comments Off on Singalong-Friday 6/12
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