Good Morning Magnolia families!
Welcome to the second day of school at home. If it is easier for you to digest in the form of a Google Doc, here it is.
Here’s what we have for our second morning at home:
Read aloud: Sing and count along with Teacher Rachel as she reads the song book, “Over in the Meadow.”
An activity for today: Drawing and counting animal families. After hearing the song “Over in the Meadow”, have your child draw their own animal families! Count with them all of the members of the family. They could even draw their own families or their Magnolia class family (Over in the school, with their hands nice and clean, were two happy teachers and their Magnolias, eighteen… “Wash” said the teachers. “We wash,” said the eighteen, so they washed all day until their hands were nice and clean…) If your child draws a picture, send it along!
An activity for today: “Do you like lights?” on this poll. If you want, you can also send in a video of your child answering the question! If your child also has a question they want to ask the class, feel free to send it in as well and we will send out materials about collecting data and making graphs at home!
An activity for this afternoon: Go on your own bear hunt! Hide a stuffed toy somewhere in your house and have your child search for it. You can either search together, singing the song, or you can hide it (in increasingly harder spots) and have them search while you work, cook, clean, or any one of the many tasks we’re sure you have on your plate!
Afternoon meeting: Go on a Bear Hunt with Teacher Patricia!
As we go ahead with online school, please let us know what works best for your family. Which kinds of activities do you need more ideas for, what challenges are you coming up against, what type of correspondence and interaction is working, what is not… We want this to be as useful as possible for you and your family!
We miss all of the Magnolias very much and are holding all of you in our hearts.
Rachel and Patricia