Substitute Teaching at CSS

Are you are a caregiver, educator or student who is freelancing, or working part time? Substitute teaching could be a great fit for you! Experience with young children is required.

  • Pay is $16-19/hour
  • Paid orientation & paid CPR/First Aid training
  • Reimbursement for background checks
  • $100 bonus after your 3rd shift (for new subs in Spring 2022)

GET STARTED: Send your resume and a brief letter of interest to Once all clearances are underway, we will schedule you to attend a 1-hour orientation at the school.

Basic info about substitute teaching:

  • The Children’s Community School (CCS) is located at 1212 S. 47th Street in Southwest Philadelphia. We serve children ages 15 months – 5 years old and school hours are 8:00am-6:00pm. Learn more about our program and approach to education at
  • Our sub rate is $16-19/hour. Subs are contracted workers and checks are sent by mail within one week of the dates worked. Payment for the 1-hour orientation is included on the first check after completing a substitute teaching shift. Payments are sent by mail every two weeks. Subs receive a bonus of $100 after completing their third sub shift!
  • Shifts are typically 8:00am-3:15pm (with paid lunch break) or 2:00-6:15pm; sometimes start or end times are flexible, or other shifts are needed.
  • Morning shifts are usually with a team of 1–3 other teachers in a single age group; afternoon shifts are usually with 1–2 other teachers in mixed age groups. Sometimes we are also looking for shifts helping with other things around the school, like making snack.
  • Sometimes we schedule subs days or weeks in advance; sometimes we are looking for folks the night before or the morning of! If you’re a last-minute kind of person or a schedule-ahead kind of person, we’d love to have you either way! We generally reach out by text message to schedule shifts.

Required Paperwork

The following documents must be in your file before we can schedule you for shifts. Photocopies or scans are okay. Clearances must have been acquired for work/non-volunteer purposes within the past 5 years. We reimburse for clearances!

  • Photo ID
  • Background Checks/Clearances
    • FBI Fingerprinting: (found here) Use Code 1KG738, “Child Care Services Program Employee or Contractor.” Results are mailed, $25.25 fee. Schedule now—it can take time to get an appointment!
    • PA Background Check: (found here) Results delivered immediately, $22 fee. Click “submit a new record check,” then “accept,” then “individual request.” Print the certificate, not the response page!
    • PA Child Abuse Clearance: (found here). Results are mailed, $13 fee.
    • NSOR Clearance: (found here). Submit form to Results are mailed, no fee.
    • NOTE: If you have lived in another state in the past 5 years, Criminal Background check and State Child Abuse clearances from that state is also required.
  • Disclosure Statement: (found here) Sign and date once you have submitted all required clearances, detailed above.
  • Form W-9: (found here) Note that substitute teachers are 1099 contracted workers. No tax is retained from your payments. If are paid more than $600 in a calendar year, that information will be reported to the IRS, and you will need to report and pay tax on the income.
  • Proof of up-to-date COVID Vaccination

Additional Paperwork—we’ll get these in your file eventually, but you can start working without them.

  • Résumé with childcare experience
  • 2 Letters of Reference: Two brief signed and dated letters from non-family members, confirming experience and/or qualities that make you suitable for childcare work
  • CPR/First Aid Certificate (optional): Please submit a copy if you have it; required in order to work solo shifts. Paid trainings available once you start.